30 Birds

10/ Carderock

barred owl

Shelby Foote, Louisianan, historian, in the PBS documentary, The Civil War:

"Early in the war, there was a confederate veteran, a young
country boy, on guard duty -- he's walking his post in the
woods -- and there was an owl, unknown to him, in a tree
nearby, and the owl said, "Who?" And the boy, trembling
with fear, said: 'It's me, sir, John Albert, a friend of yours."

"And you know what we are going to do after lunch? We are going to see an owl. Would you like to see an owl?"


Thus, my daughter, Alex, who would turn 3 in another week.

A list of the many topics brought up in this chapter can be found in Addendum.
See Photo Credits for who provided us with this magnificent image (full-size in full chapter).


Birds treated, but not featured (see Photo Credits):