The complete ebook/paperback, sans ads of course, is available now for purchase: Click here. (For the ebook, a free app is provided enabling it to be read on any device -- mobile phone, tablet, computer -- whichever you prefer. No need to own a Kindle reader.)
All this is a new path for digital books which I hereby dub Yin-Yang (of course)
-- symbol of "how seemingly opposite or contrary forces may actually be complementary, interconnected, and interdependent." The yin here is being able to read this book slowly
through the website postings (eventually); the yang is the immediate satisfaction of getting the complete book right now (ebook costs less than an Ostrich Feather Duster
or a cafe latte).
When new material from the book is posted on this website, the links to the chapter containing that material become active. In addition, we will try to summarize the state of play periodically here.
For a listing of chapters that includes each bird's name, click on Random Footnotes.
All is journey, and in this case, 30 journeys. We can make these particular journeys riding webbook or ebook. The complete ebook, sans ads of course, is available now for
purchase: Click here.
The introductory web posting of the first two chapters is in full. Click Additional for other postings.
Birds treated, but not featured (see Photo Credits):